I have just installed at Cambridge this version of the UK FAQ; I have update both the web entry (http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq) and the CTAN directory help/uk-tex-faq.
This is mostly a consolidation release, but see CHANGES-3.14, below.
Note, I do not intend that the next release should be 3.141; I entertain some hopes that the next release will incorporate a new Web-access mechanism that I have in sketch form ... in which case the release will be called 4.0.
Robin Fairbairns
UK TeX FAQ maintainer, for the CTAN team
Changes in version 3.14
New answers: Label breaklinks: why hyperlinks don't break under dvips Label cmdstar: defining a LaTeX command with an optional * Label errmissitem: what to do about perhaps a missing item Label minxampl: how to write a minimal example of a problem Label plninltx: pros and cons about using non-LaTeX commands in LaTeX Label wrongpn: the unreliability of hepage
Revised answers: Label archives: edited out things we no longer do, removed fine detail of archive locations (has been wrong for some time)... Label bibtranscinit: another trick from Philip Ratcliffe Label codelist: while recommending listings, explain alternatives Label conditional: changes to cope with new release of extract package Label commercial: mention the self-help group for users of Y&Y TeX Label drawing: describe pgf Label dtx: describe makedtx Label findfiles: rewritten, striving for clarity Label ftncapt: rewritten in an attempt at greater clarity Label RCS: extend to cover subversion (packages svn and svninfo) Label spell: slightly restructured for CTAN changes Label tabcellalign: ghastly error corrected
New or revised packages (or just ones never before mentioned): breakurl (mentioned in label breaklinks) c2latex (mentioned in label codelist) checkend (mentioned in label endingroup) makedtx (mentioned in label dtx) pgf (mentioned in label drawing) pseudocode (mentioned in label algorithms) splitbib (mentioned in label multbib) suffix (mentioned in label cmdstar) svn (mentioned in label RCS) svninfo (mentioned in label RCS) tgrind (mentioned in label codelist)
Presentation: The subsection LaTeX macros has been split into two: LaTeX macro tools (generally stuff for programmers) and LaTeX macro techniques (generally stuff for users who just want a simple job done).
zip and tar.gz retrieval have been switched in HTML generation; since many directories have pre-created zip archives, this reduces the danger of hitting the retrieving unknown file effect in some browsers.