i've just reinstalled the faq at ctan help/uk-tex-faq and at http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
there has been a very long delay since v3.12, for various reasons. the changes list (appended) looks impressive, but isn't very startling for nearly 6 months' work.
i have been doing experiments about presentation of the faq, and i'm hoping to have an entirely new mechanism in a few months' time. in the mean time i shall try to install updates in a more timely fashion.
so, if you have been, thanks for listening.
robin fairbairns
(faltering faq maintainer.)
Changes in version 3.13
Fonts: Substantial re-arrangement and re-writing of Choice of scalable outline fonts (label psfchoice)
Installing (La)TeX files: Reference made to Jim Hefferon's One person TeX system web page, both under tutorials, and under the installation answers.
Current TeX-related projects: Reworked, and brought up-to-date, question label textrace (new question title, as well).
New or revised packages (or just ones never before mentioned): algorithmicx (mentioned in label algorithms) bbm fonts and macros (mentioned in label numbersets) bib2xhtml conversion utility (mentioned in label htmlbib) doublestroke fonts and macros (mentioned in label numbersets) euler (macros) and eulervm (macros and fonts) (mentioned in label concrete) extract (mentioned in label conditional) fourier (and utopia) fonts (mentioned in label psfchoice) gellmu latex-like xml system (mentioned in label mathml) latexdiff (mentioned in label changebar) ledpar (mentioned in label parallel) mathtime pro (mentioned in label psfchoice) metatype1 (mentioned in label textrace) parcolumns (mentioned in label parallel) protext (mentioned in label TeXsystems) texniccenter (mentioned in label editors) wallpaper (mentioned in label watermark) xcomment (mentioned in label conditional) ziffer (mentioned in label dec_comma)
Presentation: Switched to LuxiMono (in place of cmtt) for monospace fonts, in the default distribution; removed computer modern targets from the makefile -- no .dvi files will now be distributed.
New answers: subsection{Creating citations}: label i18nbib: Non-english bibliographies subsection{Tables, figures and diagrams}: label rulethk: The thickness of rules in LaTeX tables section{The joy of TeX errors}: label ouparmd: Not in outer par mode subsection{Page layout}: label changemargin: substantial rewrite (not really a new answer) subsection{Generic macros and techniques} label subverttoks: Subverting a token register
Things removed: label commercial: Reference to Y&Y TeX Inc (which no longer exists). label psfchoice: Reference to fonts Lucida New Math, MathTime and MathTime plus, none of which are now available since the demise of the distributors, Y&Y TeX.