----- Forwarded message from Wybo Dekker ----- I have uploaded ctable-1.6a.tar.gz at ftp.dante.de
- ctable.sty provides commands to easily typeset centered table and (multiple-)figure floats, with footnotes. Instead of an environment, a command with 4 arguments is used; the first is optional and is used for key,value pairs generating variations on the defaults and offering a route for future extensions.
- replaces ctable-1.6.tar.gz
- unpack in macros/latex/contrib/ctable
- changes (relative to v1.6): 2 errors were corrected: * fboxsep and fboxrule changes made temporary * extra space behind tabulars removed ----- End forwarded message -----
Thank you for the upload. I installed the new version as suggested in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/ctable
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team