This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
Update summary: ........................................................................ This is a bugfix release: * Initialize fontfamily acc to value of familydefault (Fixes a bug when using polyglossia with beamer) * Remove spurious space in def of dateenglish * Add missing English variant american * Serbian: fix date format and captions (Latin+Cyrillic) (thanks to Zoran Filipovic and Nikola Lečić) * Fix atticnumeral in gloss-greek * Small improvements and fixes in documentation ........................................................................
Basic package information, as sent by the contributor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Package name: polyglossia Author: François Charette Caption: Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX. Description: This package provides a complete Babel replacement for users of XeLaTeX; it relies on the fontspec package, version 2.0 at least.
The current release offers support of 68 languages. Location: /macros/xetex/latex/polyglossia Version: v1.2.0 License: lppl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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