Our provider informs us that they intend to migrate CTAN's Root Server to another hardware at some unspecified time after 8:00 UTC tomorrow, Wed 16 July 2017.
This maintenance will lead to a downtime of a few hours.
All CTAN services -- website, uploads, general email contacts etc. -- will therefore be interrupted during that period.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Kind regards Petra Rübe-Pugliese for the CTAN team
Sorry about a slip in my previous mail. Of course, July hast to replaced everywhere with August, so that it should run as follows:
,-----[ Corrected text ]------------------------------------------------- | Our provider informs us that they intend to migrate CTAN's Root Server | to another hardware at some unspecified time after 8:00 UTC tomorrow, | Wed 16 _August_ 2017. | | This maintenance will lead to a downtime of a few hours. | | All CTAN services -- website, uploads, general email contacts | etc. -- will therefore be interrupted during that period. | | We apologize for the inconvenience. | | Kind regards | Petra Rübe-Pugliese | for the CTAN team `------------------------------------------------------------------------