Christian Feuersänger submitted an update to the
Version: 1.12.1 License: gpl3
Summary description: Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions.
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1.12.1: minor bugfix release - fixed bug: incompatibility of 1.12 with unicode-math - fixed bug: lua backend failed to work with table input and dependency on coordindex - fixed bug: lua backend failed with 'forget plot'
1.12: scalability + performance - scalability: reduced TeX memory consumption for huge inline tables - scalability: lualatex allows bigger 3d graphics - scalability: lualatex now reduces compilation time for huge 3d graphics (requires pgfplotsset{compat=newest} at the time of this writing) surf shader=faceted: time reduced to 61% of pdflatex (addplot3[surf,samples=70] {exp(-x^2-y^2 +x*y)})
surf shader=interp: time reduced to 25% of pdflatex (addplot3[surf,shader=interp,samples=70] {exp(-x^2-y^2 +x*y)})
surf shader=interp, parametric: time reduced to 36% of pdflatex (addplot3[surf,shader=interp,z buffer=sort, samples=50,domain=-1:0 ,y domain=0:2*pi] ({sqrt(1-x^2) * cos(deg(y))}, {sqrt( 1-x^2 ) * sin(deg(y))}, x);)
surf shader=faceted, parametric: time reduced to 40% of pdflatex (addplot3[surf,z buffer=sort, samples=50,domain=-1:0,y domain=0:2* pi] ({sqrt(1-x^2) * cos(deg(y))}, {sqrt( 1-x^2 ) * sin(deg(y))}, x);)
- scalability: lualated now reduces compilation time for boxplots. 10000 input points from table: time reduced to 23% of pdflatex - fixed bug: 3d axes where all axes used log scale produced compile failure - fixed bug: axis equal did not respect disabledatascaling - fixed bug: mesh legend was confused by color input=explicit - fixed bug: colorbar style did not reset zmin/zmax [... more in the package's README]
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese