Yvon Henel, through the ghostly medium of cambridge's upload daemon, writes:
Name of contribution: modroman Name and email: Yvon Henel Suggested location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/misc Summary description: two macros to write numbers thus i, ij, iij, xj License type: LaTeX Project
Announcement text:
modroman.sty, two macros to write numbers in lower case roman numerals thus i, ij, iij, iv and so on. (See the final j?)
modroman.sty, deux macros pour écrire les nombres en chiffres romains minuscules sous la forme i, ij, iij, iv etc. (Avez-vous noté le j final ?)
with the restructuring of ctan, we're avoiding contrib/misc as much as we can (it's difficult to make browsing of that directory straightforward).
i have therefore placed your upload in macros/latex/contrib/modroman
thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team