Philipp Lehman writes:
I've placed `csquotes.tar.gz' in the incoming directory of the CTAN UK node. This is an update for macros/latex/contrib/csquotes. Please purge the old files, install the new ones, and announce the upload as usual.
i have installed the files as requested; thanks for the upload.
users may view the new version at:
or download the entire package at:
This package provides advanced facilities for inline and display quotations. It is designed for a wide range of tasks ranging from the most simple applications to the more complex demands of formal quotations in academic writing, especially in the humanities and the social sciences. The facilities include commands, environments, and user-definable `smart quotes' which dynamically adjust to their context. Quotation marks are switched automatically if quotations are nested and they can be adjusted to the current language if the interface to the babel package is enabled. There are additional facilities designed to cope with the more specific demands of academic writing. All quote styles as well as the optional active quotes are freely configurable.
- Extended lockquote
- Extended foreignblockquote
- Extended hyphenblockquote
- Extended setquotestyle
- Added cquote
- Added foreigncquote
- Added hyphencquote
- Added lockcquote
- Added foreignblockcquote
- Added hyphenblockcquote
- Added environment `displayquote'
- Added environment `foreigndisplayquote'
- Added environment `hyphendisplayquote'
- Added environment `displaycquote'
- Added environment `foreigndisplaycquote'
- Added environment `hyphendisplaycquote'
- Extended DeclarePlainStyle
- Added SetCiteCommand
- Renamed lockcite to mkcitation
- Added mkccitation
- Added mkmidblockpunct
- Added mkfinblockpunct
- Added evaluation of terminal punctuation in block quotations
- Added ifquotepunct
- Added ifquoteterm
- Added ifquoteperiod
- Added ifquotecomma
- Added ifquotesemicolon
- Added ifquotecolon
- Added ifquoteexclam
- Added ifquotequestion
- Added ifstringblank
- With
onfrenchspacing, adjust space factor codes of backend quotes
- Improved nesting control when running under e-TeX
- Added interface to internal quotation marks
- Revised and expanded user manual
- Revised and expanded tutorial
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team