This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
Announcement: is requested Update summary: This small package replaces extsuperscript and extsubscript commands by equivalent commands that use OpenType font features to access appropriate glyphs if possible.
Version 0.3 contains the following changes:
* New commands extsubsuperscript and extsupersubscript added.
* Fix an infinite loop bug added in the last version, triggered when loading the `xltxtra` package with the `[no-sscript]` option.
extsubsuperscript (and friend) could actually be implemented as a separate package for pdfLaTeX as well. I'll consider releasing such a thing if there's feedback to do so :)
Basic package information, as sent by the contributor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Location: /macros/latex/contrib/realscripts Caption: Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs. Description: This small package replaces extsuperscript and extsubscript commands by equivalent commands that use OpenType font features to access appropriate glyphs if possible.
Also provides ` extsubsuperscript` (and ` extsupersubscript`) for setting subscripts and superscripts on top of each other.
The package also patches LaTeX’s default footnote command to use this new extsuperscript for footnote symbols.
The package requires fontspec running on either XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX.
The package holds functions that were once parts of the xltxtra package, which now loads realscripts by default. Author: Will Robertson License: lppl1.3 Name: realscripts Version: 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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