Christophe Fiorio submitted an update to the
Version number: 5.1 License type: lppl
Summary description: Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This release add some new features, change some behavior and fix some bugs: - lIf*, lFor*, lRepeat*, lCase*, lOther* which act like their corresponding macro without star but do not end the line neither print ';': useful to enclose such a macro into another one. - You know that you can add side comment with () after the name of the macro: now you can add side comment at end of macro by adding () after the closing brace: useful to add comment on the endif, endof, ... line - SetKwSwitch defines now also an uOther command - SetStartEndCondition{typo1}{typo2}{typo3} was fixing typo for start-end marker of condition: typo 3 was used for end condition of case and repeat, it is now only used for repeat, typo2 is now used for end condition of case to be more consistent with other commands (case has a keyword after condition where condition of repeat-until ends the statement) - keywords are now language dependant due to conflicts between languages (see document for more information about this) - new typo styles : FuncArgSty for arguments of KwFunction and KwProgSty for name of KwProg macro - new option hangindent to manage hanging for long statement (see documentation) - add group markers as block markers introduced in release 5.0 (see documentation for more information) - add SetCustomAlgoRuledWidth{length} which set a custom ruled width of ruled and algoruled options - add turkish language option - fix a numerous of small bugs (see release note for more informations about this) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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For the CTAN Team Erik Braun