A package has been updated on tug.ctan.org and should make its way to your favorite local mirror in the next day or two.
Thanks for the upload, Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: LaTeXPiX Author's name: N.J.H.M. van Beurden Location on CTAN: systems/win32/latexpix Summary description: License type: pd
Announcement text given by the package's contributor: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The nineth CTAN release has the following improvements: * New procedure for drawing and resizing squares and circles which is much more easy to use. * Bug fix in the text editor form when entering text with '[' and ']'. * Now shows the bounding box of inserted images instead of the image itself during preview. * First/last point of closed polygons and spline could not be selected. * Number of polygon/spline points increased to 50. * Bug fix in arc conversion. LaTeX even crashed when converting or previewing. * A grayscale of 100 percent resulted into a filling of the object with the border colour. This way corrected by setting the grayscale to 99 percent when converting to LaTeX code. * Added Polish and Japanese translations. * General LaTeXPiX GUI font can be changed, this was mainly implemented to deal with the different charsets some languages like Japanese, Chinese and Korean use. * Removed bugs and improved the preview functionality. * When converting drawing to LaTeX and saving them to a .out file you are asked to confirm the overwriting of the currently existing converted file. This message can be set on or off by the Confirm Overwrite Converted File option in the preferences menu. * Warnings are given when objects are outside the canvas region or not fully visible if they are partially outside the canvas. - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
You can have a look at the package at http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/latexpix although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror of CTAN that is near to you; see http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors