I put a new version (1.9) of my rcsinfo package to ftp.dante.de
The rcsinfo package is used to extract information of the RCS (Revision
Control System) and use it in a LaTeX document.
For users of LaTeX2HTML, a perl-package translating LaTeX documents to HTML,
rcsinfo.perl is added, which adds the functionality to that tool.
The following files are contained in rcsinfo-1.9.tar.gz
Please put it into tex/macros/latex/contrib/supported/rcsinfo
1.9 : the initial $ of $Id may be omitted.
1.8 : rcsinfo.perl can deal now with latex2html version 99.1.
Restructured package files.
1.7.1 : Make does not abort, if laext2html is not found
1.7 : Underscores in file names are now handeled correctly.
1.6 : Fixed problems with the french-option of `babel'.
(The `:' is made active when using the french language.
Now rcsinfo can handle this situation).
1.5 : - The Babel-package is not loaded automagically anymore.
This avoids problems within the `babel'-package when other
packages (like `ifthen' or `varioref') are loaded _and_ no
language was given in the `documentclass'.
- Fixed the `notoday' option.
1.4 : Support fancyhdr-package, added rcsinfo.cfg configuration file.
1.3 : Fixed documentation, new address, reimplemeted parts, added
1.2 : New Makefile.
1.1 : (internal changes).
1.0 : Initial Version, submitted to CTAN.
This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
version 1 of the License, or any later version.