Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version: 5.1.0 2022-06-22 License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
### Added - Options wrapping ` l_if_blank:nTF` and ` l_if_empty:nTF` (issue #179) - Option `IfBlankTF` - Option `IfBlankT` - Option `IfBlankF` - Option `IfEmptyTF` - Option `IfEmptyT` - Option `IfEmptyF` - Options to insert code at begin and end of floats (issue #172) - Option `before float` - Option `after float` - Option `before float app` - Option `before float pre` - Option `after float app` - Option `after float pre` - Library `skins`: overlap of lower part for `bicolor`, `tile`, and `beamer` made configurable (issue #166) by - Option `overlaplower` - ` cboverlaplower` - Library `documentation`: package warning, if `imakeidx` is loaded after the library is loaded (issue #173) - Library `documentation`: gather index LaTeX macros and configure gathering (issue #174) - Option `doclang/commands` - Option `index gather colors` - Option `index gather commands` - Option `index gather counters` - Option `index gather environments` - Option `index gather keys` - Option `index gather lengths` - Option `index gather paths` - Option `index gather values` - Option `index gather all` - Option `index gather none`
### Changed - Required latex2e specified `NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2020/10/01]` (issue #170) - Documentation: comment `default setting` for `every box on higher layers` (issue #168) - Documentation: hyperlinking keys and commands where not already done inside the listings section (part of issue #175) - All contents of library `xparse` are moved to the `tcolorbox` main package and to libraries `listings` and `fitting` respectively. `xparse` now only loads the package `xparse` (issue #180) - Internal implementation of all ` ew*` commands, e.g. ` ewtcolorbox` changed. Note that a missing backlash for `tcbox`-like commands e.g. ` ewtcbox{mybox}` instead of ` ewtcbox{mybox}` is no longer tolerated.
### Fixed - With `parbox=false`, `before skip` was ignored in inner box (issue #171)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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