On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 Dominik Wassenhoven submitted an update to the
It is a small collection of styles for the biblatex package. It was designed for citations in the humanities and offers some features that are not provided by the standard biblatex styles. Biblatex-dw is dependent on biblatex (at least version 0.7) and cannot be used without it.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/exptl/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-dw/ License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1b - BUGFIX: When using parencite with 'footnote-dw', additional parentheses (e.g. enclosing the string 'editor') were lost; they are now replaced by brackets. - BUGFIX: In 'footnote-dw', the normal cite command always produced a capital letter at the beginning. This is fixed now. - Fixed a small punctuation error in connection with 'herename';. - New command itleaddonpunct for the punctuation before titleaddon, booktitleaddon and maintitleaddon. The default is a period now (not a comma, as before). ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-dw/ . More information is at http://tug.ctan.org/info/?id=biblatex-dw (if the package is new it may take a day for that information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org . Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html . _______________________________________________
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf