A few days ago, I installed a new version of Jens Berger's jurabib package in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/jurabib. Jens added this text for the announcement of this package:
----- Begin forwarded message ----- Here is a list of the most important changes:
NEW: o IMPORTANT: The order of optional arguments has changed! `natoptargorder' option removed, natbib order of optional arguments is now NEW DEFAULT! There is a compatibility option `jurabiborder' for old documents. o jox.bst is part of jurabib.dtx. o Indexing code completely rewritten (contributed by Stefan Ulrich). o Danish language support added (contributed by Mads Munch Hansen). o Finnish language support added (contributed by Harri Kiiskinen). o Portuguese language support (contributed by Eva and Miguel Costa). o new option `silent', replaces jbsilent. o new option `dotafter=bibentry' replaces jbdotafterbibentry. o new option `dotafter=endnote' replaces jbdotafterendnote. o new option `lookforgender', replaces jblookforgender. o new option `annotatorlastsep', replaces `colastsep' option. o new option `annotatorfirstsep', replaces `cofirstsep' option. o new option `annotatorformat', replaces `coauthorformat' options. o new option `super' transforms cite commands to footnotes, suggested by Frank Mittelbach. o new option `config=<configfile without extension>', allows to switch between configfiles, suggested by Frank Mittelbach. o new command lookatfortype, allows to determine a list of entry types for which the lookat feature should be used (suggested by David Feest). o footcitetitleonly introduced, suggested by Frank Mittelbach. o New commands to tune indexing introduced: jbdonotindexeditors (suppress editor-indexing). jbdonotindexauthors (suppress author-indexing). jbdonotindexorganizations (suppress org-indexing). jbindexonlyfirstauthors (to index authors only at first appearence). jbindexolyfirsteditors (to index editors only at first appearence). jbindexolyfirstorganizations (to index organizations only at first appearence). Known Problem: Authors with special characters (umlauts etc.) aren't sorted properly (makeindex-problem). o loading of config files rewritten. The loading is now as follows: 1. usepackage option overwrites values given by config files. 2. option placed in jurabibsetup (in the preamble) overwrites values given by usepackage. 3. last jurabibsetup overwrites values of preceding jurabibsetup. o Some hooks for multibib.sty compatibility implemented, testfiles added for multibib compatibility (jbtestmb.tex) and for bibunits compatibility (jbtestbu.tex), thanks to Thorsten Hansen for adapting his packages. REMOVED: 'multiple'-functionality removed! To have the same feature you have to load footmisc.sty with option 'multiple' now, suggested by Frank Mittelbach. BUGFIXES: o jbindexbib works correctly again. o added some alternative babel main language values, initially suggested by Harri Kiiskinen. o Hook for memoir.cls bibliography added, suggested by Robert Schlicht (requires mempatch.sty!). o small bugfix for loaded hyperref and tabularx packages (hyperref turns off hyperfootnotes internally), bug reported by Maarten Wisse. o bugfix for @manual function, did not recognize organization as fallback for missing author, reported by Frank Mittelbach. o new INT 'extra.extra.num', new function 'make.extra.label' and some modifications on 'forward.pass' (suggested by Robert Schlicht in d.c.t.t.) [...]
Many Thanks
Jens Berger