I have released v3.18 of the (English) FAQ, and installed it on CTAN as well as its own little web site http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
As always, there have been a number of minor changes since the last release; the significant ones are listed in the file CHANGES-3.18 in the distribution, which I append below.
Users may view the catalogue entry at http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/faq.html or visit the faq directory with its jumble of files at http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/help/uk-tex-faq/
There was a brief interruption of service with the Web version of the FAQ; this related to the arrival of the new version and has (I think) been corrected.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team (not to mention my own interests)
Changes in version 3.18
This file lists changes since its most recent release (with version 3.17 of the FAQ).
New answers: +Label acroantics:getting Adobe Reader to produce the right size output +Label inst-scut: introduction to the old inst-miktex and to inst-tds-zip +Label inst-tds-zip: installing a package using .tds.zip files +Label onna-stick:making MikTeX run from a memory key +Label papergeom: how to select the correct paper geometry +Label prept1font:the generating metrics part of old instt1font +Label tds-zip: brief outline of TDS ZIP files
Revised answers: +Label biblatex: now discusses crossTeX too +Label bibtranscinit: discuss truly excessive sets of initials +Label chngmargonfly: mention new changepage package +Label findfiles: correct one of the search address links +Label fmtconv: add tex4ht as a route to word format, tidy up +Label footintab: I _think_ the answer now says what I meant it to say! +Label labelfig: mention (auto-)pst-pdf +Label letterspace: microtype now covers the functionality of old letterspace +Label luatex: detail some recent developments +Label oddpage: mention new changepage package +Label papersize: rewritten as intro to new acroantics and papergeom +Label parallel: mention the pdfcolparallel package +Label patch: rewrite to downplay patch, add mention of ted and etoolbox +Label pkfix: mention pkfix-helper +Label poster: updated with further informative links, etc. +Label protect: rewritten (again) +Label psfchoice: add kpfonts, link to the font catalogue at various points mention font catalogue (as a whole) and maths font survey Web interface: A mechanism is now in place, whereby old question labels may be used to get to the nearest current equivalent of the question. It does not cover *all* old questions: please mail faq-devel@tex.ac.uk if you have a problem with an old question label that you have stored.
Bugfixes: Bits of silliness in the web interface continue to surface. They get mended as soon as I work out how; the most recent was a tendency not to translate extbackslash -- I know how to correct it, but not why it happened...