Some months ago, Alexej Kryukov submitted this to CTAN:
----- Forwarded message from Alexej Kryukov ----- Name of contribution: psgreek Name and email: Alexej Kryukov Suggested location on CTAN: /tex-archive/fonts/greek/ Summary description: LaTeX support for (some) PostScript Greek fonts License type: LPPL
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- `Psgreek1' package provide LaTeX support for popular Type 1 Greek fonts in WinGreek encoding. The `Psgreek1' package includes 3 fonts: Greek Garamond by Carmelo Lupini (, Greek Oxonia and original WinGreek font. As far as I know, all these fonts are distributed free of charge. They don't contain kerning.
For each typerface virtual fonts are provided, rearranging its mapping according to so-called LGR encoding, e. g. to the layout of Claudio Beccari's Greek fonts, which seem to became a standard for LaTeX. There are two main differences from this mapping:
- ligatures for final sigma aren't supported. So, in order to get this symbol you must explicitly type the latin letter `c'. - in order two produce the circumflex accent you can type the equal sign (=) as well as ASCII tilde (~).
Furthermore, for each font virtual fonts with faked small capitals are included.
I provided also a set of virtual font in my own encoding, called LEL, as well as description for this encoding (lelenc.def). This encoding is based on standard modern Greek mapping, and so it may be preferred by users with Greek codepage (ELOT 928 or Windows 1253).
First you must put font files and `psgreek.sty' in any location, there LaTeX can find them. If your TeX tree is TDS compliant, you can simply unpack *.zip files in your TEXMF directory. Then add font definitions from to your file (usually this file resides in ../dvips/config/ directory).
In order to use Type 1 Greek fonts in your document, you have to load the Babel package with `greek' or `polutonikogreek' option. I prefer Babel version 3.6, since version 3.7 has many bugs and doesn't work properly. Then load `psgreek' package with the font name as option. The following names are supported: `regular' for original WinGreek font, `garamond' for Greek Garamond, `oxonia' for Greek Oxonia, `oldface' for Greek Old Face, `milan' for Milan. You can change your greek font in any time redefining the `greekfont' command (for example:
Use `greek' environment or `localgreek{text goes here}' command for switching to Greek font and language. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I didn't install it at that time because I had some problems with the naming and the directory structure - among others, the name psgreek suggests that it is a general solution for Greek postscript fonts - and then I let the matter drift into the backlog. Sorry about that; now I installed the package on CTAN in the directory
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team