----- Forwarded message from Jean-Pierre Drucbert ----- I have uploaded a new release of the minitoc package (release #38) in /incoming of ftp.dante.de under the name minitoc.tar.gz
The minitoc package allows to create mini-tables of contents (and mini-LOFs/LOTs) by chapter (in books and reports), by section (in arcticles) or by parts.
The licence is LPPL as before.
The location is as before: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/minitoc The new release replaces all files in that directory.
As the version number jumps from 34 to 38, there are a lot of corrections, improvements (and perhaps bugs?) in the new release. See below the historic of changes.
I am very grateful to all people who helped me by pointing bugs, asking for new features, giving hints and solutions, or for useful packages (placeins from Donald Arseneau).
Could you install this package to replace the current release #34. Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert (who is ashamed to have left so much time pass away since the preceeding update)
% 03Jan2001 Version 35 % 09Jan2001 Added macros to test if a file is ``empty'' % (i.e. empty, blank or inexistent) or ``non % empty'' (i.e. useful). % I used some code from Stephan von Bechtolsheim. % Added the checkfiles/nocheckfiles options. % Replaced The@chapter by The@mtc. % 26Feb2001 Added bulgarian.mld, hebrew.mld, % icelandic.mld, latin.mld, samin.mld. % 09Mar2001 Added mtcselectlanguage. % 01Jun2001 Fixed estionian option (missing). % 04Jul2001 Added interlingua language. % % 11Feb2002 Version 36 % 11Feb2002 Corrected an interaction with ableofcontents % which creates a chapter* or a section*, % perturbing mtc/stc counters (problem signalled % by Frank Mittelbach). % 18Feb2002 Corrected a spacing problem with empty titles % (problem signalled by Frank Mittelbach). % Workaround for the parttoc-chapter* % problem. % 19Feb2002 Added mtcskip and mtcskipamount. % 27Feb2002 Fixed test for empty files. % 13Mar2002 Added bangla language. % 15Mar2002 Reduced depth of mtc@strutbox. % % xxxxxxxxx Version 37 canceled % % 24Jan2003 Version 38 % 24Jan2003 pt -> p@ and 0pt -> z@ % 24Jan2003 hrule and vrule replaced by ule (latex) % 24Jan2003 added mtc@zrule for zero-dims rules % 28Jan2003 added frenchb language (synonym of french) % 30Jan2003 changed test for empty titles % 30Jan2003 added options flsection and flsectionb % 31Jan2003 option tight applies to parttoc % (Thomas Leonhardt leonhardt@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de) % 07Feb2003 options flsection and flsectionb removed, % 07Feb2003 replaced by insection option (=flsectionb). % 11Feb2003 corrected numbering of SLF, SLT % 20Feb2003 added frenchle and frenchpro languages (synonym of french) % 20Feb2003 corrected secttocs, at least. % 18Mar2003 corrected some vertical spacings and struts % (I added some mods by Frank Mittelbach, many % thanks to him.) % A lot of cleaning remains to do, but the % release seems to be needed now. % Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested replacing the old version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/minitoc/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team