Jean-François Burnol submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.09e License type: lppl
Summary description: Expandable operations on long numbers
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
New features:
* the new syntax xintFor #1 in {xintrationals [f+g]} do {stuff with #1} does an infinite repetition with #1 first set to f, then f+g, f+2g, ... where f and g are decimal numbers, or fractions, or macros expanding to such things. Also available: - xintintegers where each #1 will be a
umexpr <explicit number> elax - xintdimensions where each #1 will be a dimexpr <explicit dimension> elax. In the latter case the dimensions are internally kept in sp units, there is no loss of accuracy due to conversion in pt's by he.
* one breaks out of the infinite loop with xintBreakFor and xintBreakForAndDo (preferably put inside the true or false branch of a conditional as provided by the package itself or the etoolbox package or the ifthen package; there is no question of complete expandability here, so ifthen is allowed).
* also new: xintifForFirst, xintifForLast which are expandable conditionals to use in the replacement text of the xintFor and xintFor* loops. Can be nested as expected.
* new expandable conditionals xintifCmp and xintifInt
The documentation contains a completely expandable implementation of the Quick Sort algorithm, and a graphical illustration of its functioning. It also has a completely expandable prime test and dynamically constructed prime tables and other examples of use of the completely expandable xintApplyUnbraced or non completely expandable xintApplyInline and xintFor, xintFor*.
This package is located at
More information is at
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For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese