Oberdiek Package Support Group submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.8 2019-11-27 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Call epstopdf on the fly
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
epstopdf v2.8 2019/11/27
epstopdf-base package is called by the core graphics package in pdftex and luatex to automate conversion of EPS files to PDF before being included into the document.
The full package (which may be called directly) has many options which are not used by the core processing, and handling the options caused many packages to be loaded.
documentclass{article} usepackage{graphics} egin{document} end{document}
loaded the packages
infwarerr, grfext, kvdefinekeys, ltxcmds, kvoptions, keyval, kvsetkeys, etexcmds, ifluatex, iftex, pdftexcmds
The new release avoids loading packages when epstopdf-base is loaded without options and so none of the above list will be included allowing the core graphics package to only rely on this epstopdf bundle, and also the Lua portion of pdftexcmds when used with LuaTeX. All these packages are still loaded by usepackage{epstopdf} for compatibility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/epstopdf-pkg
More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf-pkg
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Ina Dau