Christian Reibiger submitted the
Summary description: A LaTeX package to use PSTricks code with PDF output. License type: gpl
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package provides automatization facilities to use the pstricks package with pdflatex. It is intended to be of easy use and interoperability with latex and pdflatex, namely both show the same result.
The pdftricks2 package circumvents the problem that pdflatex can not handle ps-code by writing an extra latex file that contains only the figure. This files are converted to dvi to ps and then to pdf. Finally the resulting pdf-pictures are included in the text as a graphic. This process can be handled automatically by the package but it needs to have the possibility to execute system commands (start pdflatex with option--enable-write18 or -shell-escape). If you do not want to grant this rights you still can use the package but you have to execute a shell script the package writes yourself to produce the pdf-pictures. In this case you have to run pdftex again to include the pictures in your document.
The package tries to show the same results when used with latex as for pdflatex. However there are some side effects of using this package as described in the documentation.
Although this package is inspired by the pdftricks package, it is coded from scratch. The pdftricks package has some flaws that are circumvented by pdftricks2. For example you have to gather all configurations you need for your pictures in one place. Furthermore it is not possible to share configuration code between your figures and the main text. Also the pdftricks package does not use the provided limits of the figure you produce but rather assumes it fits on a standard page and cuts everything away that does not look like being important.
This package is located at . More information is at (if the package is new it may take a day for that information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group . Please join a users group; see .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf