Name of contribution: libertine
Author's name: Bob Tennent
Package version: 2012-11-27
Location on CTAN: fonts/libertine/
Summary description: Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
This package provides support for use of the Linux Libertine and Linux
Biolinum families of fonts with LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, xeLaTeX and
luaLaTeX. It is intended to replace several existing packages
(libertine-type1, biolinum-type1, libertine) and should provide
partial compatibilty with libertineotf and the obsolete
libertine-legacy package.
This version provides several new features, including options
applicable only to the Biolinum family, accesss to superior figures,
macros for selecting font families, and glyph commands (otf fonts
This package should replace libertine-type1 and biolinum-type1. The
existing libertineotf package should be moved to /obsolete.
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.
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