William F. Hammond writes:
I've uploaded version 0.8.2 of GELLMU to ftp.tex.ac.uk
I suggest that it be placed in support/gellmu.
License: GPL
i have installed the upgrade as suggested, and updated the catalogue entry.
This is a maintenance release incorporating a number of relatively small improvements as well as bug fixes. It supersedes previous versions although small changes in the XML document type may affect old documents slightly.
GELLMU stands for Generalized Extensible LaTeX-Like MarkUp. It provides a way to write in an XML document type of one's choice using LaTeX-like source. In addition, for its regular track the package provides software for reliable translation of its own article XML document type to ordinary LaTeX, classical HTML (suitable for terminal window browsers and palmtops), and the modern form of HTML with support for mathematics (XHTML+MathML). More information may be found at the website, http://www.albany.edu/~hammond/gellmu
Changes since the last CTAN posting (which was October 2004), as noted in the file README:
The newer versions of Perl are somewhat incompatible regarding with less new versions regarding the UTF-8 content-encoding. This can create problems with parsing math zones while generating XHTML+MathML output. One of the aspects of this issue is that the meaning of use UTF-8 has changed (as advertised by advance warnings). The specific concern is with splitting a UTF-8 string into the array of its characters.
It seems to be the case with Perl 5.6 that use UTF-8 is adequate for Gellmu's parsing, while with Perl 5.8.1 and later one wants both use UTF-8 and use encoding. There seems to be no encoding available by default in 5.6. Consequently, this release of gellmu provides a dummy library encoding.pm that is intended for use when there is no separate encoding package installed with Perl 5.6. With the newer Perl versions simply move the small dummy encoding.pm out of (or to another name in) the perllib directory in the Gellmu tree.
CHANGES IN VERSION 0.8.2 (28 Feb 2006)
Tables and Tabular now have functioning p cells. Only par, not parb, should be used to introduce a new paragraph in a tabular p-cell. For a forced linebreak inside a p-cell use the named form rk rather than , which may only be used to begin a new row.
Horizontal alignment in tables and tabular now function in HTML, as do horizontal rules (via hline in tabular or trule in table) and vertical rules (via '|' in table or tabular argument). Much of the new functionality with tables in HTML is based on assuming web browsers have CSS2 support.
Added support for the attribute style of assertion, which plays the role of heoremstyle in LaTeX. If style is unset, the assertion is set in italics, while if style has the value definition, the assertion is set upright.
Bug. Finally decided to rely on CSS for HTML/XHTML handling of assertion style.
Bug. Used the bm package in LaTeX formatting (and CSS in XHTML+MathML) to correct the appearance of mathbf.
The elements par and parb are no longer allowed inside emph. The element par now requires explicit closing in source.
Use of the elements mbox, regch, and text, is now restricted to math zones.
Minor changes will be needed in order for some old documents to be used with new DTDs.
Numerous bug fixes.
Bug/Change. Coding for the element text inside math elements in mathprep.pl had assumed that text had no sub-elements (consistent with the content model of MathML's mtext). The author is debating with himself as to whether this is too restrictive. Meanwhile that code has been changed.
Change. Added AMSMath names ltimes, rtimes, and mp to the article document type.
Bug/Change. Pushed handling of the element sref out to end formatters (parallel to handling of ref) so as to use the .xlb database.
Change. Added handling in HTML and LaTeX formatters of eqntag.
Change. Positive labelwidth in LaTeX formatting of menu and Menu.
- Bug fix. The script mathprep.pl was failing to write 'mchld='
when a container had no actual content, thereby causing htmlgart.pl to exit with an error message.
- Bug fix. The parameter entity %opline was nonsensically
allowing %fmath content. Its model was tightend and a new version %mopline using math|tmath instead of %fmath was created for use with itemlabel and op0.
- Bug fix. The shell script bin/linux/lmkg was revised to prevent
failure with some versions of /bin/sh.
- Change. The HTML dl written by htmlgart.pl for formatting
assertion was revised to have class attribute assertion so that CSS-controlled margins can be customized.
- Change. The CSS stylesheet webstyle/mxh.css was changed to zero
left and right margins for dl.assertion and to inhibit linebreaking inside all math containers, inline as well as block.
- Bug fix. Comments were inhibited (for validation) at the top level
of thebibliography.
- Change. Provided a GMT timezone option for the banner datestamp in HTML output.
thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team