This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: Font Linux Libertine Version number: 4.8.4 Author's name: Michael Niedermair Location on CTAN: /fonts/libertine Summary description: new font version License type: ofl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: - k is now wider (as wide as the n) - s right border increased from 32 -> 40 - c right border increased from 25 -> 30 - y left border decreased from 20 -> 16 - z more organic shape an better grey value - n,m,h,u 6 EM wider - Bug #3019031: emacron with wrong accent (mark instead of base) - Bug #3014435: y.alt adapted to new glyph form and added to opentype substitution tables salt and alt - Hebrew letters improved - Bug #3004241: opentype substitution -> f.short and dotlessi will now be substituted by the relating small capital forms - Bug #3012358: Line spacing problem on windows photoshop. Try: Use Linespacing-field 0-> 180 (at first only in Libertine Regular for testing) - T, Z changes to the serifs and more organic shape - Added A.alt as a test of a more organic A - improved Hebrew glyphs and mark to base positioning - numbers scaled up by 5% because many complanied they were to small - new Indian Rupee symbol uni20A8 - improvements in the Biolinum bold ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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