----- Forwarded message from Yuri V. Lubenets ----- I have uploaded LaTeX_WIDE.zip on dante.de. This is new version 1.3. Some installation errors in Windows 9x are corrected.
=================cut================== Yuri V. Lubenets has uploaded a new version 1.3 of his LaTeX_WIDE program; he supplies the following details:
The multifunctional editor LaTeX WIDE for operation with LaTeX (or other TeX macropackages) in operating systems Windows 95/98/NT/2000 is offered to your attention. The program does not introduce any changes to the system registry or system files Windows.
Some possibilities and features of the program: - interface in Delphi style, - syntax highlighting, - macro language, - online help on LaTeX commands, - 10 built-in buffers of the text, - fast input of templates, - possibility of synchronous scrolling of a source file and DVI-file in DVIWIN 3.2 (great thank to the author DVIWIN Hippocrates Sendoukas for cooperation), - direct and inverse searches in the DVI-file, - customizations of keyboard, menus and panels, - special functions for text manipulation, - possibility of operation with rectangular text blocks, - setup of the interface - and other.
The use of the program is based on a principle AS IS. No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use this software at your own risk. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.
Requirement: Pentium 133 MHz (or better), 16 Mb RAM (is recommended 32 Mb or more), 10 Mb of an available disk space. Version 4.72 or later COMCTL32.DLL(Microsoft) is necessary for use of the program in Windows 95 without Internet Explorer 4. For spelling the availability of the installed Microsoft Word program is necessary. By default the program uses a color graphic palette High Color (16 bits) or best.
The unregistered version is distributed freely. You have the right to use to it during unlimited time to copy to share with other programs in non-commercial objectives. You have not the right to decompile, to disassemble, to reconstruct or to change the program or its units, to extract resources, including strings, bitmaps, icons, dialogs etc. You have not the right to use the program in commercial objectives. Full the version of the program is paid. In it saving all customizations, list of files etc are realized. The unregistered version does not save user's customizations.
The program was checked under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. For want of to operation with MS Word versions Office 97 and Office 2000 were checked. Thank you for choice of LaTeX WIDE.
Version 1.3 (January 5 2002) - Installation under Windows 9x is corrected. - Command 'Add to clipboard' is added.
Yuri V. Lubenets http://aprlabs.lipetsk48.ru =================cut================== ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission. I have installed it in CTAN:/tex-archive/nonfree/systems/win32/LaTeX_WIDE replacing the previous version.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team