On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 Jonathan Sauer submitted an update to his sauerj bundle. It is installed in
Thanks for the upload.
Summary description: Some packages for LaTeX: collect, metainfo, optparams, parcolumns, processkv, zahl2string License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- An update for the sauerj LaTeX packages:
- parcolumns provides an environment for typesetting text in two or more columns in parallel.
Requires the processkv-package (below).
Current version: 1.2 (fixes bug with list environments and works correctly with the amsart class)
- zahl2string provides macros for formatting numbers as german words, i.e. `1' gets formatted as `eins'.
Current version: 1.2.1 (@Numstring and @Ordstring made robust)
- metainfo provides a macro for only typesetting specially formatted comments of a document.
Current version: 0.9.1
- collect provides several environment to collect text in a macro or a file for later use.
Current version: 0.9
- optparams provides a small macro for creating macros with multiple optional parameters.
Current version: 0.9
- processkv provides macros for processing of key-value-lists by calling a user-defined macro for each key-value-pair.
Requires the keyval-package dated 1999/03/16 or later.
Current version: 1.0.1
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf