Vít Novotný submitted an update to the
Version: 1.0.0 2021-05-24 License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fithesis API: - Add ` hesis@xpatch` command. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/31, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44)
Bugfixes: - Rename files after breaking changes in LaTeX2e kernel. (324c5ae) - Hotfix biblatex v3.15a. (0777e61) - Redefine all predefined page styles of the backend class. (aa02776)
Packaging: - Exclude `VERSION.tex` and include `README.md` in the distribution archive for CTAN. (ab71c36) - Symlink Slovak logos to avoid duplicate files on CTAN. (8f2156d)
Localization: - Fixes in the Slovak locale of mu/econ. (#21)
Continuous integration: - Add a GitHub Actions workflow. (278ded7, 37b9f21, ba2251a, 5e4bc02) - Remove `tests/` directory. (09abb2d)
Example documents of the Masaryk University: - Do not implicitly use colored tables in examples. (81e0b4b) - Show lightweight markup earlier in examples, show tables. (f8058a2) - Update a reference to amsmath documentation. (7607116) - Add an example of a dictionary/abbreviations. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/17) - Use the old-style seal of mu/fi. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/30) - Showcase the typesetting of quotation marks in examples. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/36)
The 2018 unified visual style (UVS 2018) of the Masaryk University: - Make `fseries` switch to secondary color and sans serif for mu. (39fdb9d) - Use TeX Gyre Heros as the main sans serif font. (31f3750) - Change the cover pages. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/25, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/34, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/40, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44) - Change the title pages. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/8, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/33, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/41, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/43, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44) - Unify the appearance of the table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/9) - Define the `bibEntry` and `bibEntryEn` blocks for all faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/11, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/37, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/39) - Added summary extra key for mu/phil and mu/econ. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/12, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/14) - Add UVS 2018 university logo. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/16, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/29) - Reorder blocks in the preambles and the postambles of all faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/18, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/24) - Add support for the AMA bibliographic style for mu/med. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/21, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/28) - Add a template for mu/pharm. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/23, closes #23) - Add miscellaneous fixes. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/26, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/35)
Documentation for the Masaryk University: - Update URLs to the requirements of the faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/15) - Remove `guide/` directory. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/32) - Add @xvrabcov to the authors. (f1eee51)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/fithesis
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fithesis/
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs