Herbert Voss writes:
I have uploaded pst-func.tgz to the uk mirror. Please delete _all_ files in /graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-func/ and put the new ones in there.
This new version has: ..... pst-func.tex 0.45 2006-04-22 added psplotImp for plotting implicit defined functions (experimental), the options algebraic (pstricks-add) and polarplot can be used accept plotstyle curve for psBinomialN new option barwidth for psBinomial new macros psBinomial and psBinomialN for the (normalized) binomial distribution new macros psCumIntegral, psIntegral psConv
..... pst-func.sty 2004-10-18 first version 2006-04-22 add pst-func.pro to the filelist
..... pst-func.pro 0.06 2006-04-16 new subroutine MoverN (binomial coefficient)
i have installed the new version. thanks for the upload.
From the catalogue:
Pst-func is a package built for use with PSTricks. It provides macros for plotting various mathematical functions. Polynomials and their derivatives $f(x)=an*x^n+an-1*x^(n-1)+...+a0$ defined by the coefficients a0 a1 a2 ... and the derivative order; the Fourier sum $f(x) = a0/2+a1cos(omega x)+...+b1sin(omega x)+...$ defined by the coefficients a0 a1 a2 ... b1 b2 b3 ...; the Bessel function defined by its order; and the Gauss function defined by sigma.
i need to add more to the catalogue: that will happen later today, in time for nightly updates.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team