On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Walter Schmidt uploaded a bundle called garamond, containing:
(1) the PostScript font family Garamond No8, which URW has made available for free under the Aladdin Free Public License, see http://www.artifex.com/downloads/.
(2) font metrics, macros etc. to use the fonts with LaTeX; this is material which I have added; it is released under LPPL.
Because of the Aladdin license, the bundle has been installed in:
Annoncement text:
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URW has released a number of PostScript Type1 font families available under the Aladin Free Public License. In a first step, the font family
URW Garamond No8
is now made available from the CTAN directory
The fonts are accompanied by all files required to use them with (La)TeX.
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf