On Wed, 8 May 2002 Kai Schreiber wrote:
Name of contribution: BiBLE Suggested location on CTAN: Summary description: BibTeX Library editing for Win32 License type: Nosource
Announcement text:
This is a project I wrote for managing a BibTex-reference library on Win32 systems. It is capable of importing references in Medline Format via the clipboard and of exporting html overviews of the library as well as complex filtering of the contents.
Since readme.txt imposes an additional license condition:
5. BiBLE is postcardware. You're free to use it once you have sent me a nice postcard:
Kai Schreiber Sieben-Höfe-Straße 105 72072 Tübingen Germany
I installed the package in
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf