Walter Schmidt asked us to update two packages:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have uploaded the file to the /incoming directory at Please, unpack it to the CTAN directory fonts/metrics/bh/lucida
thus replacing the current files and adding some new ones.
These are updated fonts metrics and VFs for Y&Y's commercial LucidaBright fonts. Recent improvements to the fontinst tool and changes to the TeXBase1 encoding made it possible to fix some long-standing deficiencies:
* all typewriter fonts have got vertically centered asterisks now;
* all textcompanion fonts have got vertically centered extaskeriskcented symbols now;
* the Omega symbol extohm is made available in all textcompanion fonts.
See the file readme.lucida for further minor changes, which affect the layout of the distribution.
I am fully aware, that these font metrics were updated only recently. Thus, it may seem as if an important piece of software has become unstable as soon as I started touching it ;-) However, I think that the Lucida font metrics should profit as soon as possible from the above-mentioned improvements. Note that the character widths are unchanged, as compared with the previous release, so there should be no compatibility problems. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have uploaded the files README.luximono and to the /incoming directory at Please, move them to the directory fonts/LuxiMono
thus replacing the current ones. These are updated fonts metrics and VFs for the LuxiMono typewriter fonts. Recent improvements to the fontinst tool made it possible to fix a long-standing deficiency of many typewriter fonts (incl. Luxi): the asterisk symbols are now vertically centered, as required for typical applications. The Type1 font files on CTAN remain, of course, unchanged. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
I installed the new and changed files as suggested in the directories CTAN:/fonts/metrics/bh/lucida/ and CTAN:fonts/LuxiMono/.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team