I have uploaded acronym-1.12 to ftp.tex.ac.uk:/incoming/acronym-1.12.
i've installed it in macros/latex/contrib/acronym
If you think it is appropriate, announce it please.
might as well... it's another significant improvement, after all
Recent Changes:
Version 1.12 (June 2004): Make acronyms robust and compatible with pdf bookmarks. -- Danie Els dnjels@sun.ac.za
Version 1.11 (June 2004): Make hyperlinks work inside optional item text by replaceing hypertarget with raisedhypertarget -- Martin Salois Martin.Salois@drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Version 1.10 (May 2004): Fix for the bug of a cs{}cs{} following an acronym. Add footnote optional out for cmd{acs}. Fix for list of acronyms in front matter and addition of cmd{acroextra} command. -- Danie Els dnjels@sun.ac.za
thanks for the upload
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team