the daemon's been working away again, and reports:
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: Interfaces Author's name: Florent CHERVET Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/interfaces Summary description: A few pgfkeys-macros to modify a large number of parameters in LaTeX documents License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Interfaces provides a small number of macros to modify the settings ^^^^^^^^^^ of a large number of parameters provided by Most Frequently Used Packages (MFUP!) for typesetting beautiful documents with LaTeX.
The macros shares a standardized syntax of the form key=value. The key names are intuitive: font, top, bottom, left, right, bookmark, bold, italic, color, twocolumns, title, pagestyle, before, after, indent etc.
Interfaces DOES NOT provide any new feature, except
owfont, and ookmarksetup (as long as the bookmark package does not
`steal' them to interfaces... what whould be considered as a favour!)
A few macros are modified. The complete list is included in interfaces.pdf, with explainations.
* * * *
Interfaces is organised in different modules which are loaded after the master package is loaded. Each module can be loaded separately.
Commands provided: (each in a distinct module) -------------
sectionformat: interface for package titlesec to modify the titles produced by the sectionning commands (and their bookmarks). replaces itleformat, itlespacing and itleclass and is compatible with them.
pagesetup: interface for package fancyhdr to modify the current page style or create new page styles. Replaces fancypagestyle fancyhf, fancyhfoffset,
enewcommandheadrulewidth etc.
ocsetup: interface for package tocloft to fine tune the aspect of the table of contents, list of figures / of tables. ocsetup also applies to shorttableofcontents provided by the shorttoc package. Facility to make multi-columns table(s) of contents is included, give a label for the table of contents/of figures/of tables... give them a bookmark. Replaces a lot of tocloft' control sequences.
epeatcell: to create `dynamic' tabulars, possibly
with formulas computation:
umexpr, pgfmathparse or FPeval
formulas can be plugged in the tabular or array, with the possibility to transpose.
owfont: to modify the font and/or the alignment of
each cell in a tabular/array row. Modification of the alignment has some limitations. Compatible with all package compatible with array.sty,colortbl,hhline, arydshln,delarray etc.
- some macros to make easier the use of e-TeX marks
registers (useful with sectionformat and pagesetup).
runctext and htruncadjust are provided in order to take advantage of the code provided by the package truncate.sty
Interfaces is mainly based on scrlfile.sty ( provided in the Koma- Script bundle, but Koma-Script classes are not required), on pgfkeys and etoolbox.
Interfaces defines some pgfkeys handlers designed specially to make key-value interfaces for other packages. Using those handlers permit the design of an interface in a few minutes... (well, good knowledge of pgfkeys is required ;-)
. ookmarksetup is also enhanced with starred keys.
. Facility to load TikZ libraries and pgf modules is provided via usetikz.
. pgfkeys is enhanced with a new ``default'' value in case the value is blank.
. scrlfile's AfterFile and BeforeFile have starred forms.
thanks for the upload; i have installed the package, and made an entry in the catalogue repository giving a brief outline.
Users may view the package catalogue entry at or they may browse the package directory at
the catalogue entry will not appear on the web until some time tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team