The package here has been installed at and will soon work its way through the system.
Thank you again, Jim Hefferon St Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: modroman Author's name: Yvon Henel, TeXnicien de surface Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/modroman/ Summary description: modroman.sty, two macros to write numbers in lower case roman numerals thus i, ij, iij, iv and so on. (See the final j?) With option upourv, modroman 6 writes uj instead of vj. The default option, vpourv, makes it write vj. License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODROMAN 0.4 2008-05-04 50th anniversary edition ;-)
Changes: v0.4 redefinition of the auxiliary macros via a new command and, consequently, compactification of the code suppression of the if... to manage options use @ifdefinable for the def-s, just in case
some garbage files to the garbage can
lbnl ;-) a tmf ready zip is now available and should be, at last, tds compliant
Files: LISEZMOI.txt README.txt modroman.dtx modroman.ins modroman.pdf % bilingual documentation Makefile % *nix tool ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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