On 2 Aug 2001 David Kastrup wrote:
> I have uploaded binhex.dtx and the accompanying binhex.ins (which can
> be regenerated from binhex.dtx if the need arises) to directory
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/incoming/binhex
> Running tex on binhex.ins extracts binhex.tex (the code) and
> binhex.drv (the driver for typesetting the documentation using LaTeX).
> This implements commands to expandably convert numbers into binary,
> octal and hexadecimal, so that
> message{hex{-15}} will output -F
> License is dfsg compatible, basically free for everything except that
> you should preserve the copyright notice.
> Suggested placement is macros/generic/kastrup, since I might want to
> submit a few other tricks of the trade later.
Thanks for the upload, I installed binhex.ins and binhex.dtx in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf