On 20 Dec 2002 David Kastrup wrote:
> Hello, I have uploaded perpage.sty to ftp.dante.de. License is LPPL,
> I recommend installing it to
> macros/latex/contrib/supported/misc/perpage.sty
> since it is a single file including its docs. It is so short that I
> have not bothered making a dtx file from it.
> Here is its comment section:
> % The following package adds the ability to reset counters per page.
> % Usage example:
> % MakePerPage[2]{footnote}
> % will start footnote numbers with 2 on each page (the optional
> % argument defaults to 1). 2 might be a strange number, unless
> % you have
enewcommand hefootnote{fnsymbol{footnote}} and
> % want to start off with a dagger. This may need multiple passes
> % to work: LaTeX will complain about changed labels if you need
> % another pass.
> It is quite short and can do all the tricks that footnpag claims to
> implement in some indefinite versions. And it will work with any
> counters, not just footnotes. If work is the correct expression
> for the dirty trickery it does.
Thanks for the upload. As suggested, I installed the file in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf