Sorry, the following announcement should have been posted
24 hours later, when it will hopefully be available on all
the mirrors. Please do _not_ go and look for it at once!
On Saturday 11 February 2017 at 19:44:54 +0100 Petra Ruebe-Pugliese (petra(a) wrote:
> Christian Tellechea submitted an update to the
> autoaligne
> package.
> Version: 1.3 2017-02-11
> License: lppl1.3
> Summary description: Align terms and members in math expressions
> Announcement text:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Autoaligne v1.3 (11/02/2017)
> Le bug rencontré lorsque autoaligne est exécuté dans un
> alignement est corrigé.
> The bug when autoaligne is executed in an alignement has been fixed.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for the upload.
> For the CTAN Team
> Petra Rübe-Pugliese
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------