This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
Update summary:
Important bug fixes from version 1.5b, plus some user command changes.
Basic package information, as sent by the contributor.
Location: /macros/latex/contrib/msuthesis
Caption: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses.
Description: This is a class file for producing dissertations and
theses according to the Michigan State University Graduate School
Guidelines for Electronic Submission of Master’s Theses and
Dissertations (2010).
The class is based on the memoir document class, and thefore
inherits all of the functionality of that class.
Author: Alan Munn
License: lppl1.3
Name: msu-thesis
Version: 1.7
More information is at
(this link may take a day to sync). Our archive service is sponsored
by the TeX Users Group .
oddly, cambridge isn't snowed in, but i'll bet the daemon had to force
himself out of bed in the cold:
> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: expl3
> Author's name: LaTeX3 Project
> Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/expl3
> Summary description: Packages supporting LaTeX3 programming conventions
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This release (SVN 2103)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This intermediate release, focussing mainly on improving l3fp.
> A number of bugs in the module are fixed, and the range of
> functions covered is extended to include exp, ln and powers.
> A bug in the l_if_ee:nn(TF) family of functions is also
> fixed.
wow -- that was quick!
i've installed the new version, and updated the catalogue repository.
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at
The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: xlop
Version number: 0.23
Author's name: Jean-Côme Charpentier
Summary description: Xtra Large OPerations (process and display operations)
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Xlop (eXtra Large OPeration) will typeset arithmetic
problems either in-line or “as in school” (using French
school conventions). So for example, opadd{2}{3} can give
either $2+3=5$ or something similar to: egin{tabular}{r}
2\ +3\ hline 5end{tabular}.
This release fix some bugs and offers an english manual.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: DoX
Version number: 2.2
Author's name: Didier Verna
Summary description: DoX (extensions to the Doc package) 2.2 is released
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Hello, I'm happy to announce the release of DoX v2.2. DoX is a set of extensions to the
Doc package, for LaTeX2e class and style authors.
New in this release: the ability to create new control-sequence based documentation
items (for instance LaTeX lengths).
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Thanks again
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: nirma
Version number: 0.1
Author's name: Ashish Revar
Summary description: Academic Presentation Template
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This is the package developed for academic purpose. This includes only style file needed
for to prepare presentations.
This package is at…
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: dvipng
Version number: 1.14
Author's name: Jan-Åke Larsson
Summary description: A DVI-to-PNG converter
License type: lgpl
Announcement text:
Release notes for version 1.14 of the dvipng package:
This program makes PNG graphics from DVI files as obtained
from TeX
and its relatives.
This release changes raw PostScript processing to avoid the
non-rendering PostScript specials created by hyperref. A
switch to turn off raw PostScript rendering has been added.
Finally, a
few bugs has been fixed, such as correct decoding of the -T
switch, a
CRLF bug when reading configuration files in Windows, and a
few bugs
associated to subprocesses.
Report any bugs you find, see README for instructions.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
aha ... the flow has resumed:
> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: enumitem-zref
> Author's name: Florent CHERVET
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref
> Summary description: Extended references to items for enumitem package
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> version 1.5
> 1) start= resume resume* keys
> References are now compatible with the `start=' key of
> enumitem and also the `resume' and `resume*' keys provided
> by enumitem.
> 2) Added the [greekctr] package option
> The [greek] option is based on engrec.sty while
> the [greekctr] option is based on greekctr.sty
> Both uses alphalph.sty from HO to make greek letters wrap
> around the greek alphabet.
> Those options are now automatically loaded at begin document
> is engrec.sty and/or greekctr.sty are detected (ie. loaded)
thanks for this upload, too. i've installed the new version and updated
the catalogue repository.
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at
The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
i go away for a day, and the daemon decides to ignore me. but it
doesn't last: he can't do without me...
> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: tabu
> Author's name: Florent CHERVET
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tabu
> Summary description: Flexible LaTeX tabulars (tabu and longtabu)
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> version 1.7
> Fixed a bug that may appear with user-defined column types
> in terms of tabu X columns.
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version and updated the
catalogue reposiory.
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at
The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: CurVe
Version number: 1.16
Author's name: Didier Verna
Summary description: CurVe 1.16 is out
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
I'm happy to announce the release of CurVe 1.16. CurVe is a
CV class for
LaTeX2e. New in this release:
- An examples directory
- New ext macro to insert plain text in the middle of rubrics,
- Support for openbib option which was implicit before
- Fix incompatibilities with the splitbib package
- Handle the bibentry/hyperref incompatibility directly
- Implement old font commands letting packages using them
(e.g. fancyhdr)
work correctly
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
Update summary:
v1.54 2010/12/14 Corrected a bug with infinite loop in Answer
Two new keys added : exam and year
Basic package information, as sent by the contributor.
Location: /macros/latex/contrib/exercise
Caption: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
Description: The package helps to typeset exercises or list of
exercises within any document.
Exercises, questions and sub-questions are automatically numbered.
It is possible to put answers in the same document, and display them
immediatly, later in the document or not to print answers at all.
The layout of exercises is fully customisable. It is possible to
typeset long problems, short exercises, questionnaires, etc.
Usage of the babel package is detected, but not fully supported yet
(only English and French are implemented).
Author: Paul Pichaureau
License: gpl
Name: exercise
Version: 1.53
More information is at
(this link may take a day to sync). Our archive service is sponsored
by the TeX Users Group .