On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Heiko Oberdiek submitted an update to the
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek
License: LPPL
> New packages:
> * accsupp v0.1
> Since PDF 1.5 portions of a page can be marked for better accessibility
> support. For example, replacement texts or expansions of abbreviations can
> be provided. Package `accsupp' starts with providing a minimal low-level
> interface for programmers. Status is experimental.
> * atenddvi v1.0
> LaTeX offers AtBeginDvi. This package `atenddvi'
> provides the counterpart AtEndDvi. The execution of its
> argument is delayed to the end of the document at the end of the
> last page. Thus special and write remain effective, because
> they are put into the last page. This is the main difference
> to AtEndDocument.
> * hycolor v1.0
> Package `hycolor' implements the color option stuff
> that is used by packages `hyperref' and `bookmark'.
> It is not intended as package for the user.
> * iflang v1.0
> This package provides expandible checks for the current language
> based on macro languagename or hyphenation patterns.
> Updates:
> * auxhook v1.1
> * Fix for class xclass{beamer}.
> * bookmark v0.8
> * Option `atend' added.
> * Option `rgbcolor' removed.
> `rgbcolor=<r> <g> <b>' can be replaced by
> `color=[rgb]{<r>,<g>,<b>}'.
> * Support of recent cvs version (2007-03-29) of dvipdfmx
> that extends the `special' for bookmarks to specify
> open outline entries. Option `dvipdfmx-outline-open'
> or SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen notify the package.
> (Experimental)
> * flags v0.3
> * queryflag and extractflag added.
> * Raise an error if position is not positive in case of
> setflag and clearflag.
> * hypcap v1.7
> * Stuff in caption moved to `hyperref'.
> This avoids redefinitions of caption and @caption
> (idea of Axel Sommerfeldt).
> * Fix for subfigure (Marco Kuhlmann, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas).
> * pdfescape v1.2
> * Fix: Wrong year in cs{ProvidesPackage}.
> * tabularht v2.4
> * Fix: Counter `tabh@unique' must not be changed by include.
> * zref v1.6
> * Fix in modul abspage and base: Now counter `abspage'
> and `zref@unique' are not remembered by include.
> * Beamer support for module titleref.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf