The package below has been updated at and should soon be at
your favorite mirror.
Thank you,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: pdftex 1.40.3
Author's name: Martin Schröder
Location on CTAN: /systems/pdftex
Summary description: A new version of pdftex
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
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The pdfTeX team is happy to announce the release of a new stable version:
pdfTeX 1.40.3
This is the announcement of pdfTeX 1.40.3, an extended version of TeX that
can create PDF directly from TeX source files and enhance the result of TeX
typesetting with the help of PDF.
Main changes of pdfTeX 1.40.3
- bugfix: document which used type 1 and truetype or opentype fonts
resulted in broken pdfs (729)
For complete release notes see
Legal notice / license
pdfTeX is copyright (c) 1996-2007 Han The Thanh, <thanh(a)>
pdfTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
For a complete README (with a full discussion of the license)
please look at
The files / installation
You should first try to get a new version of pdfTeX through your
If you want to compile it yourself, have a look at --
there you can find links to the pdfTeX sources on CTAN. And some useful
Mailing lists / web pages:
Mailing list:
Related web pages:
Have fun!
Martin Schröder (martin(a) for the pdfTeX team, February 2007
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
[View Less]
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 at 22:57 +0100, Volker Kiefel submitted an update to
Location on CTAN: support/references
Licensing conditions: gpl
> Summary: REFERENCES is bibliographic software for
> authors of scientific manuscripts and for management of
> bibliographic data of ARTICLES IN JOURNALS, of BOOKS,
> of CHAPTERS IN BOOKS and other document types including
> notes and electronic documents. REFERENCES supports
> LaTeX including BibTeX. …
[View More]Bibliographic records in
> MEDLINE format are easily imported. Retrieval of
> references is possible by keywords, authors' or
> editors' names, date of publication, title of article,
> book title, journal name and other data fields. Lists
> of references and formatted citations in the text can
> be compiled in any bibliographic style required by the
> publishers of scientific journals. REFERENCES is
> provided with a text based console interface compiled
> for win32-systems and as Linux port. An external text
> editor is required for editing data.
> Changes: Beginning with v4.3, References is provided as
> Linux and win32 program. Encoding of the internal data
> representation and of .arr, .fd and text files has been
> changed. v4.3b: Linux installations with both utf-8
> encoding and with latin-1 or latin-9 encoding are
> supported. v4.3c: `less' can now be used for reading
> text files.
> _______________________________________________
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
A new package has been put on and should soon be at your
favorite mirror.
Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: anyfontsize
Author's name: Péter Szabó
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/anyfontsize
Summary description: select any font size in LaTeX
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
[View More]-------------------------------------------------------
anyfontsize is a LaTeX2e package that lets the user select any
font size (via e.g. fontsize{...}{...}selectfont), even those sizes
that are not listed in the .fd file. If such a size is requested, LaTeX
will search the nearest listed size, and anyfontsize will scale that
font to the requested size. For a similar functionality that works only
for the CM fonts, try the type1cm.sty package, or, even better, use
the new Latin Modern (LM) fonts, which are available at any size.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
[View Less]
A new package has been installed on and should get to your
favorite mirror soon.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: lps
Author's name: Gustavo Cevolani
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/lps
Summary description: Class for the Logic & Philosophy of Science journal
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
[View More]------------------------------------------------------------
LaTeX class style (lps.cls) for the Logic & Philosophy of Science Journal
(University of Trieste, Italy),
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
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