Markus Kohm submitted an update to the
Version: 3.12 License type: lppl
Summary description: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
Announcement text given by the package's contributor: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This is the Christmas 2013 distribution of KOMA-Script.
Beside some bugfixes, there are several new features and even three new packages. See change log in scrguien.pdf or Änderungsliste in scrguide.pdf for information about all new features. For a short description of most of the new features in German see
Here are only some keywords:
- Optionally generate a cover title page instead of a normal first titlepage.
- New font elements titlehead, author, date, publishers, dedication.
- New option bibliography=leveldown.
- New options toc=numberline, toc=nonumberline, listof=numberline, listof=nonumberline.
- New commands ifstrstart, ifisdim, ifisskip, ifiscount, ifisdimerps, ifisglueexpr, ifisnumexpr, ifiscounter.
- defcaptionname, ewcaptionname, enewcaptionname, providecaptionsname may be used with a list of languages.
- New commands usefontofkomafont, usesizeofkomafont, usecodingofkomafont, useseriesofkomafont, useshapeofkomafont.
- New command UnPreventPackageFromLoading, UnReplaceFile, UnReplacePackage, UnReplaceClass.
- Extended PreventPackageFromLoading.
- New option symbolicnames (scrlttr2 only).
- New variable frommobilephone (scrlttr2 only).
The new packages are:
scrlayer - defining layers and controlling page headers and footers
scrlayer-scrpage - controlling page headers and footers
scrlayer-notecolumn - control note columns parallel to the main text
Note, that scrlayer-scrpage is designed to replace scrpage2.
Users may view the package catalogue entry at
or they may browse the package directory at
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese