Oliver Beery submitted an update to the
Version: 4.0.0 2025-03-02 License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A flexible interface for setting font sizes
Announcement text: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## [v4.0.0] - 2025-03-02
### Added - `fontscale` version 3 can be used by declaring `\usepackage{fontscale}[=v3]`. - `fontscale-v3.sty`
### Removed - The package keys and commands that take a dimen or skip expression as a value or argument no longer append a default unit of `pt` and remove extra trailing tokens, if any. (This feature had relied on exploiting `expl3` implementation details.)
### Changed - `fontscale` is no longer compatible with the `scalefnt` package. - The keys `<font size command>` are now shortcuts for the keys `<font size command>/size`. (The previous functionality no longer makes syntactic sense given the removal of default unit support.) - Renamed the document commands using the recommended all-lowercase convention: - `\CurrentFontStep` to `\currentfontstep` - `\CurrentFontScale` to `\currentfontscale` - `\CurrentFontSize` to `\currentfontsize` - `\CurrentFontBaselineskip` to `\currentfontbaselineskip` - `\SetFontStep` to `\setfontstep` - `\SetFontScale` to `\setfontscale` - `\SetFontSize` to `\setfontsize` - `\ScaleFont` to `\scalefont` - `\SetFontSizeBaselineskip` to `\setfontsizebaselineskip` - `\SetFontBaselineskip` to `\setfontbaselineskip` - `\PrintFontSizeParameters` to `\printfontsizeparameters` - `\PrintAllFontSizeParameters` to `\printallfontsizeparameters` - `\PrintSampleText` to `\printsampletext` - `\PrintFontSizeCommand` to `\printfontsizecommand`
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontscale
More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/fontscale
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz
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