Philipp Lehman writes:
I've uploaded `biblatex.tar.gz' to the incoming directory of the UK node. This is an update for macros/latex/exptl/biblatex. Please purge the old files, install the new ones, and announce the upload as usual.
i have installed the new version, and updated the catalogue. users may browse the package via the catalogue entry:
that page outlines the package:
The biblatex package is a complete reimplementation of the bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX in conjunction with BibTeX. It redesigns the way in which LaTeX interacts with BibTeX at a fairly fundamental level.
See the file `RELEASE' for release notes.
- Added package option `bibtex8'
- Added package option `sortlos'
- Made `pageref' field local to `bibsection' environment
- Renamed field `labeltitle' to `labelctitle'
- Added new field `labeltitle'
- Added new field `sortkey'
- Removed iffieldtrue
- Renamed counter `namepenalty' to `highnamepenalty'
- Added counter `lownamepenalty'
- Added command addlowpenspace
- Added command addhighpenspace
- Added command addabbrvspace
- Added command adddotspace
- Added command addslash
- Added documentation of
- Updated and expanded documentation (see the changelog in biblatex.pdf for pointers)
- Various minor improvements throughout
- Fixed some bugs
thank you for the upload, as always...
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team