On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 Martin Scharrer submitted an update to the
License type: lppl
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This major update adds the following new features:
standalone class: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New 'crop' option as an alternative to 'preview'. * New 'varwidth' option to wrap content in a 'varwidth' environment. * Support for multiple pages using the 'multi' option. * Standalone environments (very similar to PreviewEnvironment's) are supported, including the possibility to ignore extra material (see the 'ignorerest' option). * New dedicated options for TikZ and PSTricks. * Floats (table, figure) are turned automatically to non-floating replacements. See the 'float' option for more details. * Options to allow for easy conversion to raster images by external tools like Image Magick and Ghostscript were added.
standalone package: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New includestandalone[<options>]{<file>} macro which allows to include standalone files similar to images. * New 'build' option to automatically build standalone output files (like PDFs) which can be included as such in the main document. * New 'mode' setting to switch between using the source code of standalone files or build images from it. * New 'obeyclassoptions' option which will apply most class options to the source code of standalone files when included with includestandalone in source code mode. * New 'group' option to control if input'ed standalone files are wrapped in a group (default) or not (group=false). Files included using includestandalone are always placed in a group.
See the newly redesign manual for further details.
Please do not hesitate to report bugs and feature requests to the author, either by email to martin(at)scharrer-online.de or using the issue tracker at https://bitbucket.org/martin_scharrer/standalone/issues. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/standalone . More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/standalone (if the package is new it may take a day for that information to appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org . Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf