Jianrui Lyu submitted an update to the
Version number: 2021L 2021-07-01 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Add full support for long tables with longtblr environment - Add templates for caption and continuation text and table footnotes - Add templates firsthead, middlehead, lasthead, firstfoot, middlefoot, lastfoot (#12) - Add DefTblrTemplate, SetTblrTemplate, UseTblrTemplate and ExpTblrTemplate - Add SetTblrStyle for setting color, font, alignment, parindent and hangindent - Add NewTblrTheme command for defining new themes for long tables - Replace SetTblrDefault with SetTblrInner for setting inner specifications - Add SetTblrOuter command for setting outer specifications - Add NewTblrEnviron command for defining new tblr environments - Add UseTblrLibrary command and booktabs, diagbox, siunitx libraries - Provide leftsep, ightsep, abovesep and elowsep for cell text - Add options for distributing span sizes evenly to columns or rows (#3) - Keep row height and column widths even if all cells in them are spanned (#15) - Fix font option for multiline cells (#17) - Add preto/appto/cmd options for cells/rows/columns (#18) - Fix problem with elax after \ or hline (#20) - Update the manual and add three chapters
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray
More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tabularray
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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