the daemon cheerfully reports:
Name of contribution: xint Author's name: Jean-François Burnol Package version: 1.03 Location on CTAN: macros/generic/xint/ Summary description: Expandable operations on long numbers License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
version 1.03 of xint (2013/04/14)
The xint bundle has two new components: xintfrac.sty Expandable operations on fractions xintseries.sty Expandable partial sums with xint package
xintfrac.sty extends the macros of xint.sty to apply to fractions of arbitrary sizes (please don't type in numerators or denominators with more than 2147483639 digits, if I may ask).
As with xint.sty, all computations are done in a manner compatible with expansion-only context. The computations are always done exactly and when printing a fraction with an asked-for given number of digits, all digits are exact.
xintseries.sty provides some basic functionality to compute partial sums of series or power series. The computations may be done exactly or with a truncation at a given number of digits after the decimal point.
There have been only some changes to the original xint.sty macros: in particular, the division is a bit faster, and the multiplication is a bit slower on less than 50 digits numbers as it now decides by itself what is the probable best order for the inputs ; this leads to potential significant speed gains when one of the number is much longer than the other. It was also crucial for the calculus with fractions as the choice of the best order can not be guessed in advance.
The documentation has been revised and enlarged. The traditional Machin algorithm to compute pi is illustrated. Of course, recall that this is all done without any memory assignments, purely by macro expansion, and xintseries is thus no threat to the computing software industry.
All components of the xint bundle may be used either with Plain TeX or with LaTeX.
Please report bugs to the author.
thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the catalogue repository.
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Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team