----- Forwarded message from David Kastrup ----- I have uploaded preview-latex-0.5.tar.gz, a package for previewing inline images of equation environments and similar. It needs recent pretest versions of GNU Emacs to work at the current point of time (at least 21.0.105) as well as AucTeX. I have uploaded to ftp.dante.de. I would recommend loading it into a separate directory support/preview-latex and extracting the file README from the archive and placing this file as well as the tar archive into that directory.
The license is GPL.
I append an excerpt from the README:
I do not know where to start. This is the preview-latex project at Sourceforge, URL:http://sourceforge.net/projects/preview-latex. There is a mailing list for developers, the web page is URL:http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/preview-latex-devel Send a message with just the word `help' as subject or body to preview-latex-devel-request@lists.sourceforge.net for more information.
Anonymous CVS is available as well. See the Sourceforge web pages for more information.
Purpose of the package is to embed LaTeX environments such as display math or figures into the source buffers. By mouse-clicking, you can open the original text. After editing, another click will just run the region in question through LaTeX and redisplay the new results.
Thr project is just starting. Current state of affairs: you need to get access to a very recent Emacs 21 version, which at the current time means that you need to be a pretester of Emacs. Versions before 21.0.105 have EPS rendering support that is defective. Direct EPS rendering is in need of improvement and very experimental, so the default setting replaces Emacs internal EPS handling by an indirect rendering mechanism. If you feel capable of helping out with Emacs' EPS interface (meaning that the APIs connecting GhostScript and viewers such as GhostView and xdvi are not a book with seven seals for you), feel free to do so. Report bugs you can reproduce along with the files needed to reproduce them. The new display engine for 21.1 is quite powerful, and some bugs still might be lurking inside.
You also need AucTeX installed and working, and probably a fairly recent version of GhostScript. At the current point of time, XEmacs is not supported. This may change in future versions, depending on contributions.
Offers to support further development will be appreciated.
David Kastrup, URL:mailto:dakas@users.sourceforge.net ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed it as suggested (tar archive + README file) in the directory CTAN:/tex-archive/support/preview-latex/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team