----- Forwarded message from R. Stepanyan ----- Please find below some information about BarDiag package, which I have recently uploaded to Your archive (ftp.dante.de).
Name of the BarDiag v.0.4 contribution
My name R. Stepanyan
My email rstepanyan@yahoo.com
Summary description package for drawing bar diagrams
Suggested CTAN directory /graphics
Short text for announcement:
The main purpose of the package is to make the drawing of bar diagrams possible and easy in LaTeX. The BarDiag package is inspired and based on PSTricks.
License lppl ----- End of rwarded message from R. Stepanyan -----
Thaks for the upload. I installed the package in CTAn:graphics/bardiag after a bit of cleaning up (removing .log and Emacs backup files, and renaming readme.txt to README to allow web browsers to show this file).
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team