----- Forwarded message from Palash B Pal ----- + what I've uploaded
The following files:
bfonts.tar.gz bsample.tar.gz bsty.tar.gz README.bangtex
+ which CTAN node I've uploaded to
+ where I want the files to go
Preferably in a directory/subdirectory called bangtex.
+ licensing conditions
+ a brief summary of what the upload is intended to do.
The several tar.gz files contain font and class files for typesetting in Bangla (Bengali) and Assamese. There are also some sample files, which includes the manual. The installtion instructions can be obtained from
http://tnp.saha.ernet.in/~pbpal/bangtex/bangtex.html ----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission. I unpacked the archives and installed them in CTAN:/tex-archive/language/bangtex/{examples,latex,mf}
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team