Christian Tellechea submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.4 License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Draw molecules with easy syntax
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
chemfig v1.4
- many bugs are fixed - the private character in the macro name is no longer @ but becomes _ and the prefix of private macros is now CF_ IMPORTANT: this implies for advanced users who have used private macros to rename them - all old macros obsolete for more than a year are no longer defined and will throw a compilation error if used: setcrambond, setatomsep, setbondoffset, setdoublesep, setangleincrement, enablefixedbondlength, disablefixedbondlength, setnodestyle, setbondstyle, setlewis, setlewisdist, setstacksep, setcompoundstyle, setarrowdefault, setandsign, setarrowoffset, setcompoundsep, setarrowlabelsep, enablebondjoin, disablebondjoin and schemedebug From now on, the macro setchemfig{<key>=<<values>} should be used to set parameters - the syntax chemfig*[][]{} is no longer accepted and becomes chemfig[<keys>=<values>]{<molecule code>} - the syntaxes lewis[<coeff>]{<code>} and Lewis[<coeff>]{<code>} are no longer accepted and become lewis[<key>=<values>]{<code>} and Lewis[<key>=<values>]{<code>}
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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